At Cherry Trees Dental Practice we believe your smile can transform your life.
Cosmetic treatments range from whitening treatments to composite bonding, and tooth alignment.
Cherry Trees Dental Practice is pleased to be able to offer the very latest in orthodontic alignment with Invisalign®.
Invisalign® is the number one system for clear aligners worldwide. Your smile can be improved more gently and easily than with traditional fixed braces.
Home Whitening (Pola by SDI)
Home whitening is a method of improving the shade of the teeth. Impressions of your teeth are taken and sent to a lab to make bespoke whitening trays. You will be provided with medical grade gel to place in the trays and wear overnight for two weeks, gradually lightening the shade of the teeth.
There is no shade guarantee but there will be a general improvement. Whitening does not change the colour of existing fillings, crowns or bridges. Results can vary (no guarantees of final colour but it will improve). The colour will relapse and will need to be maintained with top up whitening (normally every 1-2 years, although this depends on how much tea/coffee is consumed).
Common risks and side effects include sensitivity, gum soreness, white spots (should settle with time), relapse of colour. You must avoid coloured food/drink during the process and immediately after for 7 days or your results attained will not be ideal.
We will carry out a full smile consultation including photos and 3D digital scan and smile simulation, so you can visualize your results before you’ve even started on your journey.
Contact us to book a free consultation with Dr Zahra Nimaa .